Navigating the Risks: Understanding Pickleball Injuries and Injury Prevention

Pickleball, a rapidly growing sport blending elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, has captured the hearts of many enthusiasts worldwide. While it offers numerous health benefits and is often touted as a low-impact activity suitable for all ages, it’s not without its risks. Like any sport, pickleball carries the potential for injuries, albeit generally less severe compared to high-impact sports like basketball or football.

One of the most common pickleball injuries is strains or sprains, particularly affecting the ankles, wrists, and shoulders. These injuries often occur due to sudden movements, quick changes in direction, or overexertion during play. Additionally, players may experience tendonitis, especially in the elbow, commonly referred to as “pickleball elbow,” due to repetitive motions such as swinging the paddle or serving.